
Growing farms full of cashew trees and beehives

Tilaa on AFR100

Bees play an important role in Africa’s agricultural system, where they pollinate 80% of flowering plants and one-third of food crops. The economic benefits of bee pollination are also clear: The yields of major cash crops, such as sesame and cotton, increased by 60% in Burkina Faso when bees pollinated them. By fully investing in this value chain, top-producing African countries could earn...

Saving and investing in seeds – Agro Supply

Maize seed

Most of us are used to savings and investments being the realm of banks and brokers.  But for the masses in Uganda (and Sub-Saharan Africa) the banks are too far and too expensive and the local currencies a poor way to save. Instead, savings often take the form of bricks to build a home or a few chickens to feed the children or now with Agro Supply, seeds for the next planting season...

Agro Supply

Agro Supply logo

Uganda is an agricultural economy, 89% of the citizens are smallholder farmers creating 69% of the GDP. Smallholder farmers spend a considerable share of their income on inputs, plus quite a lot of additional debt.  Limited capital and poor access to agricultural inputs clearly constrains farmer productivity Limited capital leave farmers’ income and livelihood at risk from drought, floods...

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