
Unlocking Africa (Podcast)

Episode 160 with Luni Libes, a serial entrepreneur, investor, and impact-driven venture builder. Luni is the founder and CEO of Africa Eats, an innovative investment company tackling food insecurity and poverty across Africa by scaling profitable, for-profit agribusinesses. He also leads SEMX, a groundbreaking initiative unlocking public capital markets for African SMEs.Africa Eats invests in and...

Business Magazine (Mauritius)

Business Magazine (of Mauritius) covered the story of the launch of the SEMX in its latest issue. The translation from French to English is below. Screenshot AFRICA Eats, Elite Meat Processors and Ziweto Holdings are the three companies listed simultaneously on SEMX, a new segment targeting African companies. To qualify for SEMX, Vickram Ramful, Head of Listing at SEM, specifies that a company...

One Month Later…

Africa Eats (EATS), Ziweto (ZWTO), and Elite Meat (ELIT) were publicly listed on December 3rd. One month later… the price of all three companies shares are up from December, thanks to new investors buying shares through the stock market. The liquidity of these shares is made possible by Tuesday Markets, the first...

Chicken Facilities at PMP

The original business model at Paniel Meat Processing was for 100% of the animals to be raised by Rwandan smallholder farmers. The “high class” problem in the last year is that demand increased so quickly that the only reasonable path was to build out some in-house animal production, starting with chickens. A hatchery for day-old chicks, six chicken houses, and an abattoir. Enough...

EATS, ZWTO, and ELIT – on the new SEM X

December 3, 2024 – Africa Eats (EATS) is the latest company to list on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM), along with two of our bizi: Ziweto (ZWTO) and Paniel Meat Processing (ELIT). These three companies are the first three listings on the SEM X, a new segment on the SEM’s Official Market for high-growth, profitable companies. A segment designed to help companies with a history...

GDP Per-Capita 2024

The GDP per capita metric is helpful to gauge the level of economic development within a region, but misleading in that the metric gets skewed by extraction-based industries like mining and oil (which is why Botswana, Namibia, and Gabon) are higher than their neighboring countries). Visual Capitalist has published a map of the per-capital GDPs of most of the African nations (in most cases rounded...

Berkshire Africa

Luni and Jumaane, the co-founders of Africa Eats have published a book, “Berkshire Africa” that explains how our unique investment company has applied the learnings of venture capital, business accelerators, and Berkshire Hathaway toward solving hunger and poverty across Africa. We’ve explained this before, in brief, but now have a 160-page book with far more details, including...

Agriculture is the Biggest Industry

Over half of all working age Sub-Saharan Africans work in agriculture. More than 1/3rd in Nigeria, the most populous country. 1/3rd in Kenya. Even 19% in South Africa, despite its head start development. As a comparison, less than 2% of Europeans and less than 2% of Americans work in agriculture. The contribution of agriculture to GDP disproportionate, but that is an artifact of the way GDP is...

Innovating Investment in Africa

Gertrude Matche of Diversity Connector talked with Luni Libes, Africa Eats’ co-founder/CEO about the challenges of solving hunger and poverty in Africa, and the path Africa Eats has taken to impact those pressing issues… as a for-profit investor.

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The 2024 Gathering

Africa Eats bizi 2023

It’s almost time for Africa Eats’ annual “Gathering”, where all of the bizi founders fly to Nairobi for two days of facilitated discussions including a deep dive into building the missing business infrastructure for African SMEs, including a plan to unlock the capital markets. This event is unlike any other we know of. It is the day after Sankalp, but far more interactive...

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