Our fifth honey company


Africa Eats began with a portfolio of 27 companies, all graduates of a Fledge accelerator program. Or more specifically, all with founders who attended a Fledge accelerator somewhere in the world, sometime since 2014. A few of these entrepreneurs founded more than one company, and while a few of those were included in the original 27, a few companies have been created since then.

The 28th company in the portfolio is Amuria Honey, created by the same team that created Geossy.

Why Honey

Why so many honey companies? A few reasons. First and foremost, aggregating honey from smallholder farmers creates additional income for those farmers. An income above and beyond whatever other foods they grow, and with the bees on the farm, the yields on those crops typically grow as well. Plus honey is a food eaten everywhere, but all too commonly it is an import food grown elsewhere, and the more we invest in honey the more we eliminate the cost and carbon footprint of those imports.

And it’s not just honey. Beeswax is a byproduct that has global uses, and Amuria is also harvesting bee venom, which has uses as a pharmaceutical.

Our Honey Companies

Amuria Honey produces honey, beeswax, and bee venom in the Amuria District. UGANDA

Honey Products Malawi sells beekeeping equipment and aggregates honey from smallholder farmers. Working with 100 farmers. MALAWI

Kalahari Honey helps protect the wildlife, using bees to keep elephants off the farms while aggregating and distributing their honey. Exporting across Southern Africa. BOTSWANA

Swahili Honey teaches smallholder farmers how to be beekeepers, sells hives, aggregates and distributes honey in Tanzania and into Kenya. TANZANIA

Tilaa aggregates and sells honey in Northern Ghana and has planted tens of thousands of cashew trees to feed the bees and double revenues. GHANA

Thank you Swahili Honey for the logo that we liked so much we’ve reused (with permission) at Kalahari Honey and Tilaa.

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